Tuesday, 15 January 2008

A first post...

I’ve wanted to create this blog for some time, since before the last Holyrood elections in fact. I’m glad I didn’t, because a lot of things I was thinking then turned out to be utter nonsense – I thought the Dear Leader was being foolhardy in standing in Gordon, for example, but at least in that I was not alone.

I am starting to blog now, because I find that while I enjoy most of the pro-independence blogs out there (namely the Tartan Hero and Mr Calum Cashley), I thought I maybe had a couple of things to say that they might not have picked up on. I can only hope that this blog can benefit from being a little more remote from the party itself – I am an SNP member, and have worked for the party, but am also uncomfortable with some aspects of its policy – namely towards the (non) joining of NATO, and its acceptance of faith schools within the state sector, two issues that I know make many other party members and sympathisers uncomfortable too.

AEDJT should hopefully be updated regularly, and also not be solely focused on Scotland and Independence - one of the Unionists’ favourite lies about the SNP is that we are simply one-dimensional little-Scotlanders, and it is our communal duty as nationalists to show that we are, if anything, better rounded individuals than they.

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